Great Setting

Vineyard Property

Potential Vineyard Property  ***SOLD***

LOCATION: Property is located in Township 8S, Range 3W, Section 35, tax lot 700, Marion County, Oregon. It is approximately a mile South of Salem Oregon, and approximately a quarter mile SW of I-5 exit 248 with a physical address of 8211 Squirrel Hill Rd. SE Salem, Oregon, 97306. Squirrel Hill Rd borders the property to the East and Sunnyside Rd to the South. To both the North and East the property is bordered by a vineyard.

LAND: The land consists of 50.19 tax roll acres, of which approximately 45 acres are being farmed in Christmas trees but would be a good site for Grapes with suitable soils. The entire property has a Southern exposure. The balance consists of a home site and Douglas fir timber. There is also a cell tower on the property that is not included in this sale, it has been sold. Soils are a mixture of approximately 40% Class II Jory silty clay loams (7-12% slopes) andMcAlpin silty clay loams (0-3% slopes) and 60% Class III Nekia silty clay loams (2-3%) slopes).

ZONING: Special Agriculture (SA)

IMPROVEMENTS: There is a small home on the property that the Marion County Assessors records indicate it was constructed in 1931 with 1,296 square feet. There is also an old Prune drying shed with two bays.

Irrigation: No Irrigation. There are two hand dug wells on the property, one by the house that has a pitcher pump and one by a lone tree in the field.

DOMESTIC WELL: There is a third hand dug well from the early 1900’s that is used for the dwelling. There is no well log on file for this well.

TAXES: $1,184.21 for 2013/2014 tax year.

PRICE: $775,000

AGENT: Steve Helms Cell: 541-979-0118 Office 541-704-2737
REMARKS: This is a very nice property with spectacular views of the Valley with several location options for a dream home. It is also an excellent location to start your own Vineyard and/or Winery. It is located just off I-5 between Willamette Valley Vineyards and Duck Pond Cellars Vineyards. This property has been under ownership by the same family for over 100  years and they have just recently decided to sell.

DISCLAIMER: Information is from sources deemed reliable but not guaranteed by the broker.
Buyers are urged to seek independent verification, through professional inspections and personal
review, of the condition of the property and the facts contained herein. Property is subject to
prior sale, price change, correction or withdrawal.

Contact Steve 541-979-0118

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